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Saturday, March 27, 2010

How to build a website in less than a day

I built my first website today. I've never built a website before nor did I know the first thing about writing code.

That said, we are blessed to live in the information age.

Need further proof. Go to Google and type "how to build a website" Here's what came up.

Results 1 - 10 of about 250,000,000 for how to build a website. (0.21 seconds)

While most of us never explore beyond the first page of the Google search results there are TWO HUNDRED FIFTY MILLION PAGES of information in less than a second of time. No wonder the Encyclopedia Britannicas are gathering dust on the bookshelves.

So equipped with all this information on hand and a warm mug of tea in my new "Think big dream big" mug I got as a gift from my mom and little brother I was ready for website warfare.

There was a lot I didn't know which lead to many more Google searches but in less than a day I had built and published a website.

The website can be found here:

this is it

While I understand the important of SEO, driving traffic, and the value of a #1 organic Google ranking I can promise you my website it's not going to be on the first page of Google anytime soon. That said, I definitely learned a lot about website building today and have added a few new skills to my quiver of knowledge.

Have you ever built a website? What's holding you back from trying?

the site I built today

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